“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
I continue to believe win-win scenarios create sustainable relationships. In the power of business to transform lives, not just livelihoods. In the purpose-driven enterprise. As our website states: “We believe that profit is the byproduct of passion. That a transitory collective of fierce individuals united by a shared vision yields better results than traditional uninspired models.” I believe this with all my heart.
But, I was not walking the walk.
That is why I am happy to announce that – from this point forward - our company will donate 10% of our time and resources to organizations that work tirelessly (and often thanklessly) to make this shared human experience better for others.
Each year we will select 1 to 3 501(c)(3), NGO, Certified B-Corps or Certified Women or Minority-Owned Enterprises and provide them with thought leadership, strategic consulting, and operational counsel.
In 2018, we are so proud to announce that NAMI of Waukesha has agreed to let us help them further their mission of inspiring the hope of recovery and deepening the understanding of mental health conditions for individuals, families and communities. I could not be more excited to begin this journey with them.
If you want to learn more about NAMI of Waukesha, and the amazing work they do on behalf of the community, please visit them at www.namiwaukesha.org
If you are a 501(c)(3), NGO, WBE or MBE, who may need help to take your organization to the next level, reach out. We’d love to hear from you.
About Houston Group LLC: Houston Group LLC connects brands and customers by providing strategic marketing counsel and tactical campaign activation across a wide array of industries. Vision. In Action™
Contact: David Houston, Principal / +1 414.795.6565 / dhouston@thehgsolution.com / www.thehgsolution.com
About NAMI Waukesha: NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Since 1982, NAMI Waukesha has worked to improve the understanding of mental health conditions and share the hope of recovery by offering information, support, education and advocacy services. We strive to enlighten the public with the goal of erasing the stigma, guilt, shame, fear, ignorance and discrimination that negatively impacts the lives of people affected by mental health conditions.
We offer support groups, educational classes, Chapter 51 court support and advocacy, homeless outreach for individuals affected by mental illness through the Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness Program, one-on-one support/education, monthly educational meetings and current information on legislation pertinent to mental health.
Contact: Andrea Grittner, MS, Director of Development and Marketing / +1 262.409.2742 / andrea@namiwaukesha.org / www.namiwaukesha.org